Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Message To All Clinton Supporters

Allow me to start off by saying that I'm not part of the Obama campaign, and I'm not getting paid for saying this.  This, all in all, is not a pro-Obama plug.  

With the primaries being over, there is an obvious nuclear fall out from the Hillary Clinton's campaign loss.  A substantial amount of you hardcore Clinton supporters feel that you've been treated unfairly, and even robbed of Hillary's nomination.  All these things may be true.  I am not going to argue any of that here today.

I've read many message board comments from Hillary supporters, and the amount of you who say they are going to vote for McCain in November is just astonishing.  It's not as much as the fact it would be a crossover vote astonishing, but unbelievable because you are in essence saying that if Hillary is not the nominee, you're are going to vote for the man who opposes nearly each and every one of Hillary's objectives and proposals.  Every issue that McCain stands on is nearly polar opposite to Clinton's.  On womens issues, McCain has consistently voted against them.  McCain even voted no to create a Federal holiday in honor of Martin Luther King Jr., and now panders to African-Americans by telling them he was wrong for doing that.

Right now, the Republican party is about to hang up, once again, a large "Mission Accomplished" sign.  Do you know why?  It's because via the media, planted people acting as vocal supporters on both sides, and by pure deception that they have caused a huge rift in the Democratic party.  Pundits like Rush Limbaugh have encouraged his viewers to cross over and vote for whom he believed was the weakest Democratic candidate with his "Operation Chaos".  First he said "Vote for Hillary!  We'll spank her in November".  Then he did an about face and tried using reverse psychology and told his Republican minions to vote for Obama, just to cause more infighting between the two campaigns.  He wanted this primary to go on for as long as possible because he knew it would break the resolve of the Democratic electorate. In Pennsylvania, exit polls showed that nearly 20% of people interviewed who voted for Hillary stated they had no intention of voting for her in November.  

Whether his opinions were valid or not, I think it's irrelevant.  A lot of you fell for the bait, though.  You bought into it, and you believed it.  Both sides spewed vitriolic statements at each other. Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, and McCain are giggling like schoolgirls.   Now McCain is trying to pander to your frustration and get you to support him.  Do you know what McCain's campaign thinks of Hillary? Well one supporter in his campaign staff was caught on video asking McCain "How do we beat the bitch?", to which McCain turned away and laughed.  He didn't stand up and say "That's not how you talk about a fellow senator".  This is certainly questionable for someone who claims to respect and honor Hillary Clinton.

If you also look McCain's voting record, you can see his votes largely fall in line with the rest of the Republican party.  There aren't as many crossover and bipartisan bills as he would like you to believe.  He also supports Bush's tax cuts for the most wealthy Americans, while not doing much at all to ease the tax burden on the working middle-class who desperately need it.  He's done next to nothing to secure the Mexican-US border in Arizona, either.  He's admitted to making statements and stands on issues for "all the wrong reasons" and faults his "ambition" rather than just doing the right thing.  He can never remember where he stands on many issues because his opinions are given to him by special interest groups and lobbyists.  He lied about voting for ever legislative investigation on Katrina.  He's actually voted against them, on several occasions.  He states that it was because of "pork-barrel earmarks", but when I read the amendment he voted no against, there where no earmarks there.  Not even in the fine print.

My point is this: if your going to vote for McCain, do it because you believe how he stands on the issues. Understand that he has far more in common with Bush than he ever does with Hillary.  Understand he has no intention to end the needless war in Iraq. Keep in mind that McCain has stated that there will be "many more wars" to come.  Be aware that he supports almost every Bush policy currently in place.  Accept the fact that you will not get any sort of Universal Healthcare.  Quite to the contrary, actually. Your healthcare benefits might get cheaper, but your coverage will be much less. Claim denials will be extraordinarily high. Accept that you will get nearly nothing that Hillary has promised you, and that you will be setting up this nation for an extension of the Bush administration.  Be comfortable with the fact the voices of the common people will not be heard, and that lobbyists and special interests will continue to rule over Washington policies.  Know that McCain's closest advisors include Phil Gramm, who is one of the people notably responsible for causing the mortgage crisis and luring people into bad loans that they cannot pay and are now losing their homes over.  Know that another McCain advisor, Michael Goldfarb, believes that the founders of our country "sought an energetic executive with near dictatorial power in pursuing foreign policy and war."  This man will likely be appointed to some sort of office if McCain is elected.  So will Phil Gramm.

With all of these things in mind, ask yourself this: Do I really believe in McCain and want him to run my country for the next 4 years?   If the answer is no, and there is no one else you believe in, just don't vote. If you vote, write in a name of someone you do believe in.  If you really do not believe in McCain, vote in opposition of him for his opponent.  If you want even a fraction of what Hillary Clinton wanted for you, vote for Obama.  Nobody else who has a chance of winning can give you that.  Nobody.  The choice is yours. 

Make it wisely.

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